Next we headed to Christen's for Irish Coffees. I LOVE coffee, and enjoying it with Kahlua and/or Bailey's is even tastier! Our house was next, where we had a Bloody Mary bar (tomato juice, celery, olives, horseradish, tobasco, Worchestershire sause, and Vodka). By this time, it was 6:30 PM. After that, the majority of the party went snow tubing nearby. I stayed behind to get ready for the biggest football game of the season: The BCS National Championship!
I met back up with everyone at Charlotte St. Pub for the game, which really made it into a complete Around the World party. Harrison and I were too anxious/nauseous to eat dinner (until at least halftime). We sat on the edge of our seats for the entire game. We were so happy to leave the bar at 1 AM, knowing Auburn won the National Championship! We headed back to Lesley and Andy's home and popped open the last remaining bottle of champagne! Harrison and I were like excited little kids, as we lit sparklers and giggled with excitement all the way home!
Sam and I were saying the exact same thing, that Monday was one of the best days of our life (behind our wedding and engagement of course).