Tuesday, January 24, 2012

More on the twins and their big sis...

Our newest nieces are doing great! They're a little over two weeks old now. Harrison and I visited them on the 15th and took a few pictures (the last two of the photos of them are from my camera; the other photos I stole off of facebook). Kellye updated Paige's carepage on the 20th, and here's a little bit from it: "At their last weigh-ins, Avery was 4 lbs 15.5 oz and Ella was 4 lbs 10 oz. We are so pleased to see how well they're growing and developing. However, the more Ella gains, the more she looks like Avery. Nate had me paint one of Avery's toenails pink before cutting off their hospital bracelets -- just to make sure we can tell them apart! Big sister Paige is doing wonderfully! She is enthralled with her babies and "talks" to them in a very sweet voice. She's still learning how to be gentle with them; both Avery and Ella have gotten a few fingers to the eyeballs. Still, she loves to pat them and even hug them!"

She goes on to say that Paige recently had a checkup and the doctor told said she "is the 'poster child' for infant heart transplants. They are so pleased with how well she looks. Her echocardiogram was "beautiful" and her lab work was all within the normal ranges."





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